Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update on Wednesday night

In my excitement to tell you about dinner with Hugo and her parents last night I forgot to tell you about where we went after dinner. There is a discount club here called Metro which is very similar to Costco. You can only get there by car so it is frequented by the more economically comfortable people in Wuhan.

I walked around checking their prices against American prices for such things as TVs, refrigerators etc. Tvs actually seemed to be a little more expensive here. The largest refrigerator I saw was 19 cu ft and it was about $1,000. There was also a smaller but fancier stainless steel fridge for about $1,500 (that was the one Hugo liked!!! So she'll fit right into our family!)

Metro also sold frozen food including meats and fish in large quantities so I'm not sure how people store it because most of the freezer part of the refrigerators didn't look big enough. Also, here the fresh fish was chilled on a bed of ice and the fresh meat was in a food locker that you had to walk into and it was freezing!

I think most people still buy their fish and meat at the open market every day but I wonder about the quality and safety cuz it is not refrigerated but rather just hanging on meat racks. On the other hand it's probably what I've been eating for 5 weeks and I haven't died yet!!

Hugo's Mom however buys her meat and fish at Metro.

Tonight we have a University sponsored banquet with the TAs, then tomorrow evening as I told you we're going to Hugo's parents home and then it's back to America. I've loved our time here and/but I'm very ready to come home.

Love to all.....Shelley

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