Monday, July 7, 2008

IN Wuhan

What a day!!! This was my first teaching day and it was terrific. of course, I did ost of the talking but starting toroow all of the students will start to get their chances. This is a very large university with wonderful facilities. It even has Ping Pong tables and I have callenged all of the students. They will probably wipe up the floor with me but i will have fun and a chnce to see if I can remember how to play. I am gong to go back to our hotel with Shelley, who joined me in my afternoon class, to have dinner. But I have now discovered how to BLOG so I will try to update you all tomorrow. We are having a terrrific time and think that this is a wonderful country. The students are energetic and seem ready nd willing to learn English. Weather has been fine but hot and the food certainly all Chinese. Both Shelley and I are feeling pretty good and are ready for the next three weeks of work. Catch you all later.


Anonymous said...

go easy on the students in your ping pong challenge. political relationship between u.s. and china is still fragile. glad you're having fun. looking forward to next blog.

Anonymous said...

that was mitch not anon. trying to figure this out.

Anonymous said...

So glad you and mom are enjoying yourselves!

Mitch and I want to know if you are teaching them english with a New York accent...

Kevabooks said...

Burt, We are thrilled you learned to blog! Sounds like you are having a blast. No one can ever accuse you of wasting a minute of precious life, and you are living proof that the more you give of yourself, the more you have. Be safe. Have a ball. We look forward to your postings!

Ava & Kevin