Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Day Another Dollar!

So in yesterday's afternoon class and today's morning class I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for all the students plus me, Burt, and Harry, Burt's TA. Burt told them all that if they didn't like them they didn't have to eat them because, after all, we don't like all Chinese food. BUT everybody loved them. I also told the class that when Jeff and Robyn were in school I hated making lunches so I always gave them money to buy lunch so I had just made more sandwiches for them than I ever made all the years Jeff and Robyn were in school. They immediately "got it" cuz they turned around to me and said "Then your children will be jealous of us!"

Also yesterday afternoon and this morning Burt gave out Ben's, Deb's, Sam's and Robyn's e-mail addresses and told them that all of you would like to hear from them. He told the students to put "From Wuhan" in the subject line so that no one would think that their e-mails were spam.

He's happy to give out the e-mail address of anyone who wants to write but so far the above 4 are the only ones who have asked.

Today I'm taking Hugo, a girl, to lunch and then she is walking with me to the open air market because I have to return a defective dress that I bought for Rachel and altho' Iam having fun going out on my own, I think doing this alone is beyond my skills!

Will let you know later if I am successful.



Tee said...

Yup, I'm jealous!

Also? You never went on my field trips!!

Anonymous said...

Okay是! So I still laugh when you complain that I never went on any of your field trips!! This computer keeps reverting to Chinese so it and Iam having a tug of war. It also keeps doublespacing my letters (not even my words)

Jeff L said...

Not the least bit jealous -- I'd much rather buy!

You can give them my email, too.