Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another embarrassing moment

Again forgot to tell you all that I did put the beautiful necklace that Hugo gave me on after she left yesteday. I was downstairs after class yesterday waiting for one of the teachers who is using my e-mail address because she can't log onto hers for some reason. While I was waiting Hugo came back to the hotel to meet someone else so she got to see how incredibily perfectly the necklace fits me. She told me that she deliberately went to a store that sells Tibetan jewelry and that the necklace was Tibetan style which makes it even more special.

I wore the necklace to a teachers' meeting last night and Hugo's teacher, Jane, was there. Jane looked at the necklace and told me she saw Hugo buying it for me. She didn't seem angry so I guess it's okay but I was trying to be tactful and not let too many people know who gave it to me because I neither want to hurt Jane or get Hugo into trouble!!!

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