Yesterday PM was quite exciting. During our PM break, two of my students rushed in and told me that Daniel, one of my morning students was writhing in pain on the floor in the hall. I rushed out and there he was suffering terribly. Someone wentto get the "school bus" to take him to the hospital but I did not understnd how that would happen or how long. (I have since learned that there is a emergency number in China like our 911, it is 120) . Perhaps they meant ambulance but didn't know the word. I had Daniel picked up on a chair by 4 students and we walked him onto the street. We stopped the first car that came along asked the driver to take Dan to the hospital for students. Of course he agreed. So Dan and 3 friends got in the car, (Dan was carried and still in great pain,) and off they went. Two other students were very worried and asked me to take their bikes to the hospital too. They said that they "wanted to be with their classmate." Dan stayed in the hospital overnight and is back in the dorm today but resting up and didn't come to class.
Last night was English Corner, an informal place for teachers and students to meet and talk English. When I got there at about 6:45 there were about 30 students and I was the only teacher. The program is scheduled from 7 to 9. So I held court and talked with them for about 20 minutes. By then there were about 100 students and 1 teachers. I sid that I had talked enough and tried to turn the program to those who knew what was really supposed to happen. But as I said, "Someone else take over" I felt a tap on the shoulder and a Chinese young man told me to sit down because he was going to lead a debate. I was somewhat confused and embarrassed because I thought that the English Corner was for teacher and student. Nonetheless, I sat down. the Debate leader stared to divide the students in half to begin the debate. Then, one of my fellow teachers stood up and said that he came here to talk to Chinese students and he did not want to stay for the debate. I thought he was a bit too direct but agreed with him. He said he would find another room and invited any student who wanted informal English discussion to join him. About 5 of the 10 or so students stood up, quite tentitively, and walked out behind him. All of the rest of us teachers looked at one another and stood up too. When we got up, all but 7 students got up and walked out. Clearly, they were not interested in the debate but wanted to talk to the teachers. In the new large classroom, each teacher sat in a different part of the room and 7-10 students surrounded him or her and discussions began. It was envigorating. As opposed to class time, when many students are shy and quiet, these students all came to talk. They had to throw us all out at 9:10. I was asked many questions about IBM, colleges, even sensitive issues like why the Olympic torch parade was interrrupted in San Francisco.
Today's class was not my best TEACHING effort. I did most of the talking, when I should give them more practice in speaking, but what I did is what the class really wanted, discussion of American culture. I explained our Educational system, Baseball, teenage social life and problems, (While I did my best, I can assure you I am not their best reference point. However, since Tracy and Robyn are still teenagers in my mind, I am entitled to speak on the subject. )
This PM I have to get the students more involved because in the PM they are a bit less active. So I will hand out menus and talk about food.
I have been reading all of your comments and enjoy them immensely. I have given the following IDs to the students, Mitch, Jeff, Robyn, Phyllis, Ben, Deb, Sam, Shelley and me. Anyone else??
Love to all.
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Hey Tray?
Still teenagers, eh?
Shall we ask to borrow the car?
Or for an allowance?
Help me decide!
wish daniel a speedy recovery for us.
the one trying to organize the debate was a student, not a government official, right?
do you ever see george there?
Mitch, George is teaching at a different university and is about an hour away from us. We have seen him once since the tour ended when he and the other teachers where he is teaching came to our campus for a general meeting. However, we are looking forward to seeing him in Tucson. Particularly when we want to get our e-mail since AOL won't let us use your dial-up line!!!
Still not sure how this blogging thing works - can I leave a comment after burt/shelley begin a new string? Will anyone see this?
Robyn - i'd vote for the allowance. Why would I want to drive the 'rent's car when I drive a hot minivan!
Tracy, you can always leave a comment. I don't know about anyone else but Burt and I keep reading through the comments every day to see if any have been added. That's how I picked up on your question.
Tracy, I think the allowance is a good idea. Let's see, didn't it used to be $1 for every year of age?
Boy, I went 4 days without reading the blog and I need 2 hours to catch up. What a winded family.
I like Robyn's comments about "okay, now you have bought for the grandchildren, what about the children?" My comment is "okay, now, what about the sisters"?
Yes exactly, in some moments I can say that I approve of with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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