Hi again:
I just read the newest comments after I posted my first blog today so here are some answers:
Avivia, I, too, hope Burt doesn't get used to ice cream for the equivalent of $.06. I think I put in e-mail to some of you that on our way over here I bought 2 Hagen Daz "hoodsies" in the airport in Beijing and they cost 84 yuan (about $12!!!!!) so imagine my shock and frustration when I found out that the local ice cream was so cheap!!
Marion, I intend to buy more tweezers and scissors if I can find them. Unfortunately I have no idea where I walked last Thursday and right now it is much too hot to walk that far again. We were really lucky the first two weeks we were in China cuz the weather was beautiful and comfortable but now it is the "furnace" they promised us. I'm hoping I can find some in the local open air market. I didn't have time to walk all the way through it today cuz I wanted to get a facial (tough life!).
Elise, surprisingly there is very little about the Olympics here and almost no souvenirs. All over China, however, they are building and cleaning up in anticipation of the many visitors they expect. Shanghai and Beijing were loaded with souvenirs escpecially hats and T-shirts for $1 which were very poor quality and good quality ones for $1.50!!
I started buying in Shanghai when we first arrived and I'm very glad I did because I haven't seen duplicates of anything that I bought anywhere else except for the $1 items. And actually right now I'm very frustrated because we saw wonderful Chinese "jackets" to put on wine bottles instead of putting them in a decorative bag when you bring wine to friends and they were a $1 in Biejing and I decided to wait until we got to HUST instead of schlepping them and the only place I've seen them since we left Beijing was in a museum and they were $5 each and museums won't negotiate so needless to say I didn't buy them. I think HUST is taking us to the Three Gorges this wek-end which is an overnight trip (again at their expense) and I think that's a real tourist spot so I'm hoping to find them there.
Tracy, I read Dillons "blog" and tears came to my eyes. Please remind her that Pops and I have a "date" to take her to Caribou when we get to Chicago!!!!
Time to shower and then eat lunch.
I "bumped into" Hugo, the TA I'm inviting to my room this afternoon out on the street this morning. She was walking back to her dorm to change her dress cuz she spilled coffee on it so I have already invited her to come to my room after lunch and I'm looking forward to it.
Last thing.....Burt went to class this morning with our only room key in his pocket. (We keep the other one in the "electric switch" all the time so that our air conditioning will not turn off.) I texted him and asked him to have Harry, his TA, bring it back to me so our turning on our phones has paid off many times over and isn't it wonderful to have someone to run errands for you!
Love again.....Shelley
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